Qui Tam Frequently Asked Questions


Watch Joel do jury selection and closing arguments for a trial including medical malpractice, a false claim, and elder abuse.

Our team at Berg & Androphy want you to feel support, understanding, and protection when dealing with a qui tam litigation. When dealing with a qui tam lawsuit and whistleblower case, victims can feel overwhelmed, or fear wrongful termination and retaliation. We aim to ensure you are well-informed about your rights and make it simple to understand, while defending you. Please explore the following frequently asked questions often asked by whistleblower (relator) clients about qui tam cases.

Please review Joel Androphy’s Federal False Claims Act and Qui Tam Litigation for answers to questions about the law and strategy. The treatise addresses corporate whistleblower issues, and what to anticipate from litigation.

Berg & Androphy aim to keep you confident in defending what’s right, so let us guide you through your qui tam action. Contact us today!

9 Things Every Qui Tam Whistleblower Needs To Know

Download Our Free E-Guide

Still have questions about Qui Tam? Contact the expert attorneys at Berg & Androphy

(713) 529-5622


This website is designed to provide general information only. This information is not and should not be construed to be legal advice. The transmission of the information found on this website also does not result in the formation of a lawyer-client relationship.

You should be aware that qui tam claims are subject to a Statute of Limitations. The area of limitations periods is complex. There are also first to file rules, public disclosure bars, original source issues, and varying limitations in pursuing retaliation claims. If you wish to pursue your claims, you should promptly seek the opinion of an attorney regarding the merits of your qui tam claim and the applicable statute of limitations.