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Questions about the False Claims Act, Tax Fraud or the Financial Fraud Programs and whether or not you have a case? Submit our confidential form and Berg & Androphy will evaluate your potential case immediately.

Qui Tam / Whistleblower Confidential Form

Questions regarding Commercial or White Collar Litigation? Submit our question form and we will respond to your inquiry promptly.

Commercial / White Collar Litigation Question

General Questions

(800) 561-5670 (Toll Free)
(800) 853-0010 (Toll Free)
(713) 529-5622 (Houston)


The firm maintains its principal offices in Houston, Texas with offices in Washington, D.C. and Denver, Colorado.

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Notice: When you provide information to Berg & Androphy, we do not become your attorneys. Although the information you provide is privileged and confidential, we do not become your attorneys and we do not represent you until we sign a written agreement.