Qui Tam Acts by Jurisdiction

Watch the video below and see Joel Androphy, excelling as a qui tam lawyer for this qui tam case. This video highlights his strategic approach during jury selection and the compelling closing arguments he presents in this qui tam lawsuit. This specific qui tam lawsuit was brought forward because a brave nurse from a nursing home exposed neglect, which proved medical care funds were not being fairly used to treat two patients. Because the nurse stepped forward as a whistleblower, Joel was able to claim and prove fraud, using pictures to show actual damage. Through this qui tam action, witness how the whistleblower’s efforts to expose wrongdoing led to a critical examination of those two patients who, inhumanely, suffered from bedsores as a result of the neglect. In the closing arguments, due to the government fraud, Joel urges the jury to compensate the federal government with damages, a portion of which would also be awarded to the whistleblower.

Understanding Qui Tam Lawsuits

Qui tam lawsuits are a powerful tool in the United States for combating fraud against government programs. The term “qui tam” comes from the Latin phrase “qui tam pro domino rege quam pro se ipso in hac parte sequitur,” meaning “he who sues in this matter for the king as well as for himself.” This action empowers an individual that uncovered fraud, known as a “qui tam relator,” to file a lawsuit on behalf of the federal government. These relators play a crucial role in exposing fraudulent businesses and holding them accountable. In doing so, they are eligible to receive a portion of the recovery or settlement. The nurse that exposed the neglect should receive an amount, if the jury finds malpractice has occurred. Looking at the evidence and hearing Joel’s passion for the truth, wouldn’t you hold the nursing home accountable?

Qui Tam Relators: Champions Against Fraud

Qui tam relators are the unsung heroes in the fight against fraud. The nurse, by coming forward with information about wrongdoing,  not only helped recover funds for the government but also fought for the two patients to be heard and protected. Berg and Androphy is committed to supporting qui tam relators through every step of the qui tam lawsuit process, ensuring they are upheld and rewarded for their courage.

Federal and State Acts

1986 Federal False Claims Act
2009 Federal Fraud Enforcement Recovery Act
District of Columbia Procurement Reform Amendment Act
California False Claims Act
Colorado Medical Assistance Act
Connecticut False Claims Act
Delaware False Claims and Reporting Act
Florida False Claims Act
Georgia False Medicaid Claims Act
Hawaii False Claims Act Against State
Illinois False Claims Act 
Indiana False Claims and Whistleblower Protection Act
Iowa False Claims Act
Louisiana Medical Assistance Programs Integrity Law
Maryland False Claims Act of 2010
Massachusetts False Claims Act
Michigan Medicaid False Claim Act
Minnesota False Claims Against the State
Montana False Claims Act
Nevada False Claims Act
New Hampshire False Claims Act
New Jersey False Claims Act
New Mexico Medicaid False Claims Act
New York False Claims Act
North Carolina False Claims Act
Oklahoma Medicaid False Claims Act
Rhode Island False Claims Act
Tennessee False Claims Act
Texas Medicaid False Claims Act
Virginia Fraud Against Taxpayers Act
Wisconsin False Claims Act


For more information, email quitam@bafirm.com