Joel Androphy presented “The Whistleblowers Among Us” at the ABA National Institute on Internal Corporate Investigations and Forum for In-House Counsel
Joel Androphy presented “Parlez-vous Kickback? – The Application of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act to the Healthcare Arena” at the ABA’s 13th Annual Conference on Emerging Issues in Healthcare Law
Joel Androphy presented “How Will Investigations and Lawsuits Arising Under the Qui Tam Provisions of the False Claims Act Affect You and Your Company?” at an ABA Annual Conference on Healthcare Law
Joel Androphy prepared materials for “Qui Tam Claims: The Whistleblower Employee Teaming up with the Federal Government” presented by the South Texas College of Law
Joel Androphy and Rachel McMillen Grier presented “Prosecuting and Defending Qui Tam Cases Under the False Claims Act: What it Takes to be Successful” at a Law Journal Press webinar
Joel Androphy presented “Qui Tam Lawsuits and Whistleblowers” at the White Collar Practice for the Business Lawyer and In-House Counsel seminar at the South Texas College of Law
Joel Andropy chaired a seminar on “Off-Label Qui Tam Lawsuits: How to Avoid Them and What to Do if You Get Sued” at the 5th Annual Off-Label Usage Conference of the Pharmaceutical Education Associates
Joel Androphy presented “What Pharmaceutical Companies Need to Know About Preventing and Dealing with Qui Tam Cases” at a seminar of the Pharmaceutical Education Associates
Joel Androphy presented “Qui Tam Litigation—Suing the corporation, a Whistleblower’s Jackpot” at the White Collar Crime for the Civil Practitioner seminar of the State Bar of Texas